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Open Space Commission Minutes 02/08/2013

Friday, February 8, 2013.

  • Call to order/welcome:
Chairperson Diana Atwood Johnson, called to order the meeting at 8.30am.
Members Attending: Diana Atwood Johnson,  Ted Kiritsis, Evan Griswold, Peter Cable, Bill Dunbar.

Absent: George James, Bruce Baratz, Amanda Blair, Kurt Zemba.

Voting Alternates: None

2.  Approval of December and January Minutes:

Bill Dunbar motioned to accept the December minutes and the amended January minutes, motion seconded by Ted Kiritsis, all in favor, motion passed.

3.  New Business:
Chairperson Diana Atwood Johnson reported no progress on the Mike Sanders issue. Johnson read an email from George James.  In said letter George lists  potential hazards that could occur whilst walking the trails, and expressed concern regarding the liability of the town should a member of the public be caused bodily harm having encountered such hazards.  The committee discussed the possibility of placing warning signs at the entrances of the trails and whether this would be beneficial or discouraging to hikers. Johnson will seek advise from Amy Patterson, Director of CLCC
4.  Old Business: Kus update:

Diana Atwood Johnson received a call from Mr Arthur Bogan, the Kus family representative, advertising the property. Johnson displayed a map of the Kus property which highlight the wetlands, drylands and areas that had been used as a tree stump dump.  Johnson passed around a photo-book of the property.  

Ted Kiritsis made a motion to go into executive session, motion seconded by Evan Griswold, all in favor.

Peter Cable has spoken to Christina Clayton about Connecticut trails day.  Some OSC members will possibly join Christina's team for the day.

5.  Reports of officers and/or committees: None

9.  Correspondence and communications: None

  • Adjournment:
Bill Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting, motion seconded by Evan Griswold, all in favor.

Meeting was adjourned at 09.30am.

Respectfully submitted

Stacey Pamplin